This article was so insightful. I am reading The body keeps the score, slowly, and I keep coming back to his ideas.

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Understanding more about the body-mind connection was so instrumental in my healing. I hope you find the book helpful.

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Thank you for writing this piece. Women’s health is so under studied and misunderstood. I agree that the menstrual cycle is a source of strength, not a weakness. We’ve been brainwashed. It makes so much sense that menstrual disorders are caused or exacerbated by trauma. How women’s bodies have absorbed it for so long and that it manifests in the body mind and spirit. People wonder why we’ve gone “crazy”? The anger and rage is justified. We’ve held back for too long.

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The more I learn the more I see the link. Even if a woman with severe premenstrual symptoms doesn't have a background of child abuse, sexual assault, or coercive relationships, we're al expected to function the same every day, even though our body has different needs on a weekly basis, adding more stress to our lives.

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